Monday, 24 February 2014

The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger TAG!

Happy Monday Everyone!

So, today I got tagged in the Procrastinating Beauty Blogger tag by the wonderful Oodles of Rae, thank you very much and I will link her blog at the end! 

On to the rules:
1. You must copy and paste these 'rules' onto your post when you write it, it doesn't take long!.
2. You must state that this tag was created by 'The Beau Bow' and link
3. You must thank the person who tagged you at the start of your post (link their blog as well) -follow them if you're feeling nice!, and then at the end of your post state who you tag, and then comment on their blog on their latest post to let them know you tagged them, and link your post so they can see what to do.
4. Title this post 'The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger TAG' so everyone knows what it is about.
5. Have fun! :)

1. Name a beauty regimen that you rarely do? 
I had to think about this one as I always do what is recommended to me. But I think the thing I rarely do is that I don't moisture my face in the morning as I'm sometimes in a rush, this is normally in the weekdays but on the weekends, I would always do it.

2. Is washing your makeup brushes something that you do regularly?  
I wash my makeup brushes every weekend because I hate knowing that I have grease or used makeup within them. It's always been a think that I don't like. So, yeah, every weekend.

3. How long will you last with chipped nail polish?
I am absolutely terrible with chipped nail polish! As soon as it starts chipping, I start to pick the nail vanish off of my nails and I know that is the worst thing to do! Especially for my nails as they can strain if I do that.

4. How long will you put off buying/replacing beauty or nail product even if you need it? be honest, I don't really worry about replacing products if I'm not in need of it and if it isn't something that I always use. But, if I was in need of the product, so this would normally be foundation or mascara, I would have to buy it that upcoming weekend as I can't really live without those main makeup products!

5. What is you worst beauty habit?
To be honest with you all, I don't really have a beauty habit. As soon as I put on my makeup in the morning, I won't tend to touch my face for the rest of that day until I have to wash it off  in the evening as I don't want to mess it up. 

6. Name something non-beauty related that you put off doing all the time:
I always, ALWAYS, put off doing cleaning my bedroom and I do sometimes put off doing my coursework which I should not do at all! 

7. When going out somewhere do you leave getting ready to the last minute or not? 
I never ever leave getting ready to the last minute! EVER! I like to be organised and feel ready for the day, so I would literally get ready an hour or so before going out. 

8. Can you commit to spending bans?
I had to laugh at myself when I read this question. I am horrible at saving money! As soon as I get money, I have the need to go and spend it! But, I am trying to learn how to save at the moment, so maybe I will start getting better and start to commit!

9. How organised is your makeup and nail polish collection?
At the current time, nothing is organised and it's kind of killing me! Haha. Normally, I have all my nail polishes organised in colour and I put them into a box so they don't unorganised themselves when I'm moving things around. My makeup brushes are put in used coffee mugs (doing a DIY post about it later this week) and I have separated them into big brushes and small brushes. Then I normally just keep my makeup in my makeup bag because I take it with me when I go out and sometimes when I go to school.

10. What is the longest amount of time you have gone without writing a blog post?
Well, I've only just started blogging, so I haven't gone without writing a post yet.

I hope you enjoyed this tag! 

The beauty bloggers that I tag are:

Have fun girls! Haha. 

I post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You're Beautiful and Thanks for Reading.

E x

Oodles of Rae:

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