Sunday, 6 April 2014

DIY with E : The Many Uses of a Used Coffee Pot!

Hell-O Lovelies!

How has your Sunday been? Are you nice and relaxed? Or doing a weekly shop? Either way, I hope you're enjoying it! So, today I wanted to post about something relating to DIY and being creative because lately I have been and I wanted you, yes YOU, to get creative too! In the last month or so, I've found so many used coffee jars around the house and I wanted to do something with them. So, I thought why not use them for storage! The ideas in my mind then started to become into reality...

The steps of making a clear coffee jar is extremely easy! All you really need to do is put a normal coffee jar (still having the paper of the logo on the jar) into a bowl of hot/boiling water then leave it in there for half an hour minimum. Then when the time is up, start pealing off the paper and the glue. If all of it doesn't come off, put it back into the water for another 10-20 minutes.

When all of the paper and glue has come off of it, you can either decorate it like this with paints:

or just leave it clear. Your choice!

These little and big jars are so handy! Especially, if you have run out of room to things things away, like me! I used them for things such as nail vanishes, makeup brushes, money and candles!


I hope this idea comes in use for you! I would love to hear and see what you've put in yours! You know where to find me! 

See You Soon!



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